onsdag 11 juni 2008


It's really nice here where I live. In their garden, which is on the backside of the house, you can sit and relax and watch the water that goes by or even fish. And you can get big fishes.

This photo is taken on the backside. There's alot of water lilys here and it looks beatiful. It can get pretty hot sitting in the sun though so then I can't sit too long there.

Soon it's Ton's birthday (Dino's dad). Yesterday we went to the town Benthuizen to get him a present. I'm gonna make him a sandwich cake (smorgastarta). They never ate that. I think maybe it's something that we only have in Finland and Sweden. Cause they never even heard of it before. Well, i hope they like it. I just hope I can find some ingredints too. Last time I was here around christmas I wanted to bake a cake. But I couldn't find baking powder anywhere... In this family, no one really bakes and stuff. They buy it from the store or the bakery, and that good too but i really like baking myself. We'll see how it goes on sunday :)

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