I walked with Bonnie on the Kangoeroepad today.
I'm getting to know all the roads and paths better here now. Still alot to learn though.
This morning Philomena woke me up at 08.40 and told me that Nathalie called and her boss wanted to interview me and that she was coming here in 10 min. Well, I was quickly up from bed and started to make myself ready. She came here and then we both went to see her boss.
It was a nice guy named Rick. He said I could start working there immediatly that I get my dutch social number. So after that I went to the City Hall and filled in some papers. Now I have to send them my birth certificate and then go to the immigration building and register there. And THEN I can get my number... damn, alot of paperwork..
I hope I can start working soon cause I really liked it when I was there on a "test round" :)
3 kommentarer:
jag har ringt till församlingen så du får nog dina papper så småningom ha det bra och hälsa
hallååå..här kommer jag och kikar in på dig oxå...ha det så gott där borta...fick adressen av mor din:)hälsningar från Mia
Hej :D
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